
Gardening where the sidewalk ends

Sweet Cylindrical Planters April 21, 2010

Not everyone would think to put a galvanized planter in their parking strip. It might be too easy for someone to dump the dirt out and walk off with, right?

Not these ones!

Super sunny stock tank site

See how they are cleverly bolted to 2 X 4s that are sunk into the ground? These babies aren’t going anywhere!

I have been thinking about adding stock tank planters and these seem like a good size, not going to cost an arm and a leg or require too much soil to fill. Perfect for a few veggies, herbs, and edible flowers, like in this one:

Round stock tank herb garden

And an inexpensive trellis makes the vertical space usable. Wonder what will be on this one come summer?

Stock tank garden bolted down in parking strip

(After seeing Loree’s comment, below, I am not sure these are stock tanks after all. I will try to find out what they could be. Dang, they seemed like exactly the size I wanted, too…)


18 Responses to “Sweet Cylindrical Planters”

  1. Racquel Says:

    That’s a good idea, the container & the securing of them. 🙂 I need to find a place to get some of these. 🙂

  2. Catherine Says:

    I love how they look all planted. I think they are a great idea!

  3. Karen I don’t think those are stock tanks. You can see a seam on both sides by the 2×4’s…stock tanks are designed to hold water, so there are no seams. These may be 2 pieces of metal pipe or some sort of metal you would use to create an egress window in a basement (to hold back the soil). I love the look (and the idea of the increased drainage from the seam) and I think you should talk to the owners and find out exactly what they are!

  4. Steph Says:

    Better yet — I think that they might be two egress window wells bolted together. I’ve thought about using them as planters along a big fence I’ve got. Now I’m extra inspired!

  5. Jane Says:

    Nice planters, whatever they are! Having invested in them earlier, we are stuck with the 80s look of half whiskey barrels for planters on our concrete surface. I’d much rather have this contemporary look, especially for my mid-century ranch. And I bet they retain moisure better than ours, even with the plastic liner pots we put inside.

  6. greenwalks Says:

    Good eye, those who called my mistake on the stock tank designation! It is possible that these are egress window wells bolted together, which is nifty but not cheap (Ace Hardware lists them at $150/ea., so that’s upwards of $300 for one planter!). Maybe they were salvage? Hm, I need to do further research, obviously!

  7. Nifty look. I guess the trellis was not as expensive as the planters: no security measures taken to secure that. I’d like to think that people will respect the effort and initiative, but, well…

  8. Molly Says:

    I had no idea window wells were so expensive. A good-sized stock tank will run you less than that, for sure and shouldn’t need to be locked down because it’ll be too heavy to dump out. Check the Grange in Issaquah. I bought mine there, and just drilled a bunch of 1 cm holes in the bottom.

  9. Grace Says:

    I’m not sure what to think about these, Karen, and I love galvanized metal containers. Obviously these are serving a purpose, albeit mostly utilitarian. I’m not sure, well actually I am Quite Sure I wouldn’t want my edibles growing where any Tom Dick or Harry can spit on them or any Toyota, Hyundai or Ford can cough on them. Just me…

  10. Matron Says:

    I would love something like that to grow my peas and climbing beans on!

  11. Jen Says:

    Very inventive! Grace’s point about the vulnerability of edibles grown in a spot like that got me thinking…people who only have front yards and who garden in urban settings really don’t have a choice. I think I’d prefer that vulnerability to not having a garden at all! I might be a little more diligent about pre-washing them, though…

  12. Mary Says:

    What a neat idea! We have used whiskey barrels in the past but this is a neat idea-

  13. Bonnie Story Says:

    Great ideas abounding here! My first thought was that this was a section of metal “cistern”, which is a tube dug deep into the earth to direct flood water – great idea to use that as a planter. Cisterns are also made of heavy black hard plastic, could be more affordable. Not sure. Love the security measures! You could never leave that gorgeous trellis out where I used to live in CA. Nor would you want veggies or even attractive plants out too – they would also “walk away”. It’s really a dilemma for garden-less folks. Do you just go ahead with faith in the honor system, risking loss, to lead by example? Suffer the slings and arrows of vandals and thieves in hopes of a nice salad? I admire these folks just putting it out there – and obviously that lovely sun exposure they have there really is irresistible. Veg on!!!!

  14. Theo Says:

    Love the look but my first reaction was, those will last maybe
    24 hours in my neighborhood before they get dinged up and
    crunched by vehicle (esp. pickup truck) bumpers,

    but then remembered we’re talking Seattle here, where people
    actually park on the road. (as opposed to two feet up on the
    curb, or wherever the car happened to come to rest the night before.

  15. Laura Says:

    I love the contrast of metal and plant. Your pots show very well! I guess there will always be a concern, especially on busy streets about wandering plants. But if you make it heavy and awkward enough they won’t go anywhere!

  16. Megan Says:

    Now that you mention it, you’ve given me inspiration for a small stock tank in one bare spot that seems to soak up a good amount of soil, that would be perfect for a little vegetable patch. Whether or not these are stock tanks, surely they make some that are near this size? I was just driving by a place the other day that had a bunch of stock tanks, but now I can’t for the life of me remember where it was. I’ll let you know if I locate it, and find something similar in size.

  17. Megan Says:

    oh. oops. soaks up sun. not soil.

  18. Girlfriend, I am *all* about the stock tank and galvanized metal. Go for it.

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