
Gardening where the sidewalk ends

Surprise Shallots October 17, 2008

When spading over the veggie patch the other day, getting ready to plant the winter salad seeds and starts, I accidentally unearthed some small treasures – two baby shallots, forgotten from last spring.

Surprise shallots

Sadly, they were mushy inside and couldn’t be eaten. They should have been harvested last spring, since I planted them the previous fall (a year ago). Not sure why they got missed or if I will ever figure out onion/garlic/shallot growing. I seem to do okay with green onions (scallions) but not much else. I’m not even so great with chives. Maybe it’s genetic – my mom can’t digest onions very well and she only grows the mildest garlic.

For more info on growing many members of the onion family, click here.